Module 1 Getting Started with Excel
Unit 1 What is Excel  
Unit 2 Workbooks  
Unit 3 Ribbons  
Unit 4 File Menu  
Unit 5 Cells & Formatting Data Types  
Unit 6 Formula Bar  
Unit 7 Name Box  
Unit 8 Navigating & Selecting Cells  
Unit 9 Getting Started Excel 2019  
Unit 10 Opening a Workbook  
Unit 11 Manually Entering Data  
Unit 12 Autofill  
Unit 13 Saving to OneDrive  
Unit 14 Closing Workbooks  
Unit 15 Using Tell Me or Help  
Module 2 Modifying a Workbook
Unit 1 Selecting Non-Adjacent Cells & Entire Sheet  
Unit 2 Intro to Cut Copy & Paste  
Unit 3 Cut Copy Paste Keyboard Shortcuts  
Unit 4 Selecting Non-Adjacent Cells  
Unit 5 Cut Copy Paste Ribbon Tools  
Unit 6 Cut Copy Paste Context Menu  
Unit 7 Selecting using Shift & Arrow Keys  
Unit 8 Using Flash Fill  
Unit 9 Multiple Columns of Info  
Unit 10 Tidying Data  
Unit 11 Intro to Autofill  
Unit 12 Using Autofill for Sequential Lists  
Unit 13 Using Autofill for Spaced Series  
Unit 14 Copying with Autofill  
Unit 15 Creating a Custom Autofill List  
Unit 16 Intro to Find & Replace  
Unit 17 Using Find & Replace  
Unit 18 Spellcheck in Excel  
Unit 19 Undo & Redo in Excel  
Unit 20 Inserting & Deleting Worksheets  
Unit 21 Inserting Rows & Columns & Hid & Unhide  
Unit 22 Adjusting Column Width & Row Height  
Module 3 Using Formulas and Functions
Unit 1 Intro to Relative & Absolute Cell References  
Unit 2 Relative Cell References  
Unit 3 Absolute Cell References  
Unit 4 Intro to BODMAS  
Unit 5 Brackets within a Formula - BODMAS  
Unit 6 Additional Brackets - BODMAS  
Unit 7 Orders - Summing & Cubing - BODMAS  
Unit 8 Multiply & Division - BODMAS  
Unit 9 Autocalculate  
Unit 10 Add & Subtract - BODMAS  
Unit 11 Intro to Functions & Formulas  
Unit 12 Insert Functions  
Unit 13 Copy Formulas  
Module 4 Formatting an Excel Worksheet
Unit 1 Intro to Formatting an Excel Worksheet  
Unit 2 Fonts & Borders  
Unit 3 Fill Colours & Cell Alignment  
Unit 4 Number Format & Cell Styles  
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